Asset, Maintenance and Work order modules are typically called the facility management modules. These three modules can cover the entire operations required for a facility management.
Asset management is a very big challenge that all the organizations face. Tagging and tracking the assets is a very big task for all the organizations worldwide. Asset management is a part of very finance department for booking keeping and to know the exact value. Depreciation and disposition is another big task which needs to be systematically taken care off.
Our asset management takes care completely from bar / QR codes onward with the mobile apps. All the asset information can be captured throughout the complete.
All the documents like the user manuals, photographs, detailed drawings, and installation data etc. can be attached to every asset and can be instantly extract all documentation linked to each asset.
Preventive maintenance schedules can be planned with the recurrence pattern The system will auto generate the PM work orders as planned with the scheduled dates. SLA’s, Procedures, Job steps can be documented for each asset class. Technicians, Contractors’ information can be stored for the workflows.
Work Orders
Complete work order for the facilities management can be covered in the work order module. Workflow for each business process can be set and is highly customizable based on the business requirements. Work flows can be realigned and tweaked based on the changes in the process with simple training. Notifications can be set either by email or by SMS based on the requirements.
Open / closed / in progress work orders can be managed and tracked, Technicians performance can be evaluated with the time taken for the completion of each work orders. Daily / Monthly reports can be generated with various criteria’s.
Labor / tools / Spares etc. cost can be assigned to each work orders whereby cost can be monitored for budgeting and other MIS reports. Yearly / 52 week planning can be scheduled at the beginning of each contract, whereby various resources can be planned in advance.
Assets can be linked to each work orders for the service history tracking. Complaint and call center management are the highly recommended features in the work order module.
Reporting structures can be defined and his highly customizable based on the client requirements. Any type of reports can be generated with minimum tweaking.